Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Watch The Karate Kid Movie Online- Trivia, Photos, Casts and Crew

On November 10, 2008, Variety reported that work on a Karate Kid remake had begun. Variety states that the new film, to be produced by Will Smith, "has been refashioned as a star vehicle for Jaden Smith" and that it "will borrow elements of the original plot, wherein a bullied youth learns to stand up for himself with the help of an eccentric mentor."On June 22, 2009, Jackie Chan told a Los Angeles Chinatown concert crowd that he is leaving for Beijing to film the remake as Jaden Smith's teacher. On October 16, 2009, Jackie wrapped up filming for the movie as stated in his diary. And finally, we can already watch The Karate Kid movie online on June 11 2010.

Jaden Smith as Dre Parker- Will Smith's son who at the very young age entered the world of acting. Through his dad's influence, he became an award winning young actor at the age of eight. He already had four wins and four nominations in different awards. No doubt that he is really Will Smith's child. Though he is just a young star, he still try to make his own name in the showbiz. And the movie The Karate Kid is another challenging role for him that really change his personality and exert much effort in trainings.

Jackie Chan as Mr. Han- is a great martial artist/actor/comedian. He is said to be one of the great martial art actor next to Bruce Lee. Having a 25 award wins and 33 nominations are the proof that Jackie deserves to called a good actor. His acting career starts when he became stunt coordinator of Bruce Lee in Bruce Lee, The Legend (1977). From that year on, his career never stops and he became more in demand.

The movie is directed by Harald Zwart and written by Michael Soccio. An action/drama/family/sport movie is scheduled to release on June 11, 2010. I can't wait to watch The Karate Kid movie online and see Jackie Chan again doing his acting skills plus martial arts stunts.

Watch The Karate Kid Movie Online- Summary and Photos

We all know that Jackie Chan is a great martial artist, and a good actor too. That's the reason why people like him doing the amazing stunts that only Jackie Chan can do. Well, good news to Jackie fans, including me, because we can see him once more in the remake of The Karate Kid with Will Smith's son Jaden Smith. I can't wait to watch The Karate Kids movie online and see Jackie Chan (Mr. Han) and Jaden Smith's (Dre Parker) combination of martial art stunts.

The remake movie plot is still unpredictable, because no official trailer yet that has been release. But according to the news, it is going to adapt some part in the old movie such as the master who will train a bullied kid and be a karate kid. The said master in the remake movie is none other than Jackie Chan, and the kid is Jaden Smith.

Jaden's father, Will Smith said that after his son undergone into training for the movie, Jaden become matured and responsible of his actions. He used to arrange his own things. His son is really making his own path in the showbiz industry and don't want to be said that he is under his father's footsteps.

I think people will support this movie and will again gain an award like the previous Karate kid movie. We must watch The Karate Kid movie online on June 11, 2010 and see if Jackie Chan will be a better master to a bullied kid.